XR2206 Function Generator DIY Kit Output 20Hz -100KHz

รหัสสินค้า : XR2206FGDIYKO20Hz-100KHz


1,690.00 ฿

ราคารวม 1,690.00 ฿



Function Generator XR2206 DIY Kit 20Hz - 100KHz

DIY Electronic Kit based on XR2206 IC. Simple to assemble kit with english PDF Manual.

The kit is not require calibration! But also has components included in case you want to have full control on it with a oscilloscope for calibration to 0.5% THD.


XR2206 Function Generator Kit is produce high quality Sine and Triangle wave outputs with high stability and accuracy. Square wave output is open collector type and cant be calibrated because of peculiar properties of the IC.

The frequency range is selected with jumper on the PCB or you can connect any 1 Pole 4 Position Rotary Switch to the pins on the PCB board.


External Switches and Buttons is not included in the package! Please see components photo and refer to components list in the description.


Technical Specification:

 - Frequencys: 20Hz to 100KHz in 4 ranges with fine adjust

 - Waveforms: Sine, Triangle, Square

 - Supply Voltage: 12V

 - Supply Current: 12-20mA

 - PCB Dimensions: 73 x 38 mm


Sine Wave:

 - Amplitude: 0.05 - 2V AC Peak to Peak at 12V DC

 - Distortion without adjustment: 2.5%

 - Distortion with adjustment: less than 1%

 - Output Impedance: 600 Ohm

 - Amplitude Stability: 0.5 dB


Triangle Wave:

 - Amplitude: 0.05 - 4V AC Peak to Peak at 12V

 - Linearity: 1%

 - Output Impedance: 600 Ohm


Square Wave:

 - Amplitude: 11V AC Peak to Peak at 12V non-adjustable

 - Rise time: 250 ns at 1KHz

 - Fall time: 50 ns at 1KHz

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