LA7838 Vertical Deflection Circuit with TV/CRT Display Drive

รหัสสินค้า : LA7838


48.00 ฿

ราคารวม 48.00 ฿



LA7838; Ordering number:ENN3313C Monolithic Lin ear IC LA7837, 783 8 Vertical Deflection Circuit with TV/C RT Display Drive Overview The LA7837, 7838 are vertical deflection output ICs developed for use in high-grade TVs an d displays. The interlace and crossover distortion responses, in particular, h ave been greatly improved, allowing exc ellent picture quality on large size televisions and high precision interlace mode displays. Also , pulse signals can be used for input s ignals due to the on-chip sawtooth wave generating circuit and driver circuit. Further, the DC and AC feedback circui t can be formed with these ICs alone, s implifying pattern design of sets and e nsuring stable performance.

Part No : ELE-CH060971424

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