48 Channel GP-2106 SiRF IV GPS Receiver

รหัสสินค้า : 48CGP-2106SiRFIVGPSR


1,950.00 ฿

ราคารวม 1,950.00 ฿



The GP-2106 is a small form factor GPS module with built-in antenna. Powered by the SiRF Star IV, the module can acquire satellites as low as -163dBm. It also has a hibernate mode which can go as low as 30uA while maintaining a hot start.


Note: This module runs at 1.8V VCC, however, you can use 3.3V TTL on the TX and RX pins. Also, the ON/OFF pin needs to be pulled high (to 1.8V) in order to turn on the module.



 - SiRF IV chipset (3db gain over SiRF III)

 - 48 channel

 - Cold start - 35 second

 - Warm start - 35 second

 - Hot start - 1 second

 - 1Hz update rate

 - 1.8VCC input

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